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USS Roosevelt (DDG80) is the 30th ship in the Arleigh Burke (DDG51) Class of Aegis guided missle destroyers...the US Navy's most powerful destroyer fleet.Destroyers continue to be the workhorse of the Navy's surface fleet, and the modern naval threat dictates that Aegis destroyers be prepared to conduct simultaneous operations in multi-threat environments that include air, surface and subsurface targets.Aegis destroyers now in the Fleet conduct a variety of missions,from peacetime presence and crisis management to sea control and power projection,around the clock and around the world in support of the Nation's military strategy.

The 509.5-foot, 9,204-ton ROOSEVELT will operate with aircraft carriers and battle groups in high-threat environments; and will also provide essential escort capabilities to Navy and Marine Corps amphibious forces auxiliary ships.The ship will be operated by a crew of approximately 340 officers and crewmembers. DDG80's Aegis Combat System,the world's foremost naval weapons system,includes the AN/SPY-1D phased array radar,which scans in all directions simultaneously to detect,track and engage hundreds of aircraft and missles while continuously watching the sky for new targets from wavetop to the statosphere. The ship is equipped with the MK41 Vertical Launching System (VLS) ,which fires a combination of up to 90 standard surface-to air,Tomahawk surface - to - surface missles and VLA antisubmarine missles; and the AN/SQQ-89 Undersea Warfare System,with a bow-mounted AN/SQS-53C sonar and AN/SQR-19 towed array.ROOSEVELT will have eight deck-mounted Harpoon antiship missle launchers and six MK32 torpedo tubes,as well as two MK 15 Phalanx Close-in Weapon Systems and a five-inch,rapid-firing deck gun mount.

DDG80 has the addition of an aircraft hanger that will accommodate two SH-60B helicopters.;and also has the LAMPS MK III Unersea Warfare Control System,with helicopter landing and replenishment facilities for the SH-60B undersea warfare helicopter. The Flight IIA ships are also five feet longer than their predecessors.The new design also features a zonal electrical system,an advanced water purification system,and other shipboard system improvements. State -of-the-art C4I (Command,Control,Communications,Computers,and Intelligence) systems provide Aegis destroyers and their crews with total situational awareness and information from the outside world.

The potential offensive and defensive capabilities of Aegis destroyers are achieved with maximum survivability.Extensive topside armor is placed around vital combat sytems and machinery spaces,and large-waterplane-area hull form significantly improves seakeeping ability.Acoustic,infrared and radar signitures have been reduced,and vital shipboard sytems are hardened against electromagnetic pulse and over-pressure damage.A comprehensive Collection Protection System guards against nuclear,chemical and biological agents.State-of-the-art propulsion and damage control systems are managed by an all new data multiplexing system. Truly multimission combatants,Aegis destroyers are the most balance surface warships ever built,with the weapons,electronics,helicopter support facilities, and propulsion,auxiliary and survivability systems to carry out the U.S.Navy's missions today,and into trhe next century.